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Kianna Leaa

It’s my 6th day of quarantine in Florence, Italy🇮🇹 was just enough time to process all the abrupt changes we were all required to make in our lives to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Saying that it has been a challenge is an understatement. But I have chosen to alter my thinking and to focus on the positive. I am healthy and alive.

This past Monday, I decided to create a movement called ✨ #ThePowerOf18✨. I want to demonstrate the power that each individual in this world has to make a positive impact through connecting with one another. Covid-19 is a virus that has been spreading at an exponential rate. I am not choosing to dismiss the severity of this situation but rather to focus on how to bring light to this situation by chatting with 18 people around the world to explore the power and positive impact of connecting with each other!

I have 18 DAYS to conduct 18 INSTAGRAM LIVES with 18 INDIVIDUALS ACROSS THE GLOBE and to learn how connections play a role in their professional and personal lives and what makes these these relationships alive! Yesterday I was so humble to have had the opportunity to chat with @kgmtl on how her platform has enabled her to connect with women around the world which has been so rewarding for her personal growth. Feel free to watch our segment on my recently posted IGTV📺. Please join me on Instagram LIVE in Day 2/18 of #ThePowerOf18 at 7PM🇮🇹 time & 2PM🇨🇦MTL time with the talented DJ @fafakhan !! Looking forward to having you as part of our discussion. LET’S CONNECT AND SPREAD THE POSITIVITY. ✨✨



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